
195 entries in this archive

Wednesday 18 November, 2020

Mario Lanza

I have fond memories of living in Pollokshaws, in our single-end.

Here is a tale which conflates a few different memories all true.

Wednesday 18 November, 2020

Twist and Shout

Our newset grandson, Isaac Rory Bonthron, is to be known to be know as Zac.

In October we visited Abingdon (near Oxford) to enjoy his company.

Here is an account, and a first glimpse at Zac’s personality.

Wednesday 10 June, 2020

End Game (a Covid-19 lockdown story) (modified)

During twelve weeks to early June 2020, I penned this story, tapping away about four hours per session, most days, a lockdown hobby, if you like.

It starts in May 2021 and follows a particular day in the life of Malcolm Fraser-Scott.

The story then carries forward to reveal the consequences of his life and those around him as lockdown continues.

I have experimented with a first person style of writing and ask you to persist until it becomes familiar.

The story is offered UNEDITED and thus the errors of grammar, spelling and logic leaps are entirely down to me. I have left line numbers visible, should you wish to offer corrections or comments.

This decision to publish unedited was taken for two reasons.

Firstly, this particular lockdown story with it forward looking time frames will have a limited shelf life, I hope!

Secondly, I am certain sure my Editor, my dear friend Kareth, would reject outright some of the darker sexual encounters described. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Skip past them if they offend.

So, with these caveats, I offer you this novella. At around 44,000 words, it is a longer read.

Tuesday 9 June, 2020

The Great Duvet Mystery (a 5 minute read)

This little tale arose from a Writers’ Circus challenge.

The opening section is from newspaper cutting and sets sets the scene.

The story is off-beat but it is mercifully short!

Suitable for all ages.

Saturday 11 April, 2020

Nuria Melek und Mario (German version)

Below is the introduction for the English version of this story which I hope will explain the background to this story.

The German text has been provided by Google Translate. My apologies for any errors.


“Eli Celli and Mario” wurde vor einigen Jahren zum ersten Mal geschrieben, als Eli Celli ungefähr 4 Jahre alt war. Eli Celli ist jetzt 7 Jahre alt und die Geschichte wurde entsprechend aktualisiert.

Es spielt in der Schweiz, wo er mit seinen Eltern Fiona und Haki und seiner kleinen Schwester Nuria Melek, die 4 Jahre alt ist, lebt. Sie wohnen in der Nähe ihrer Großeltern Stef und Pia, deren Heimat das nächste Dorf ist (Meierskappel im Kanton Luzern). Fionas Bruder ist Onkel Simon und er hat einen Hund namens Gwin.

Fiona lieferte die Illustrationen in Umrissen und Stef fügte Farbe hinzu. Ich hoffe, Sie werden mir zustimmen, dass sie wunderbar schrullig und “Swiss Perfect” sind!

Es gibt auch eine deutsche Version dieser Geschichte auf dieser Website. Die Übersetzung und Adaption dieser Version wurde von Renanta Bachmann geleitet, unterstützt von Stef und Pia.

Als Nuria die Geschichte von „Eli Celli und Mario” hörte, wollte sie eine eigene Geschichte.

Diese Geschichte heißt “Nuria Melek und Mario”. Es gibt es auch in Englisch und Deutsch auf dieser Website. Ich sollte hinzufügen, dass die englischen und deutschen Geschichten nicht identisch sind.

Die Familien Hagmann und Bonthron sind seit 1978 enge Freunde, als Stef und Pia einige Jahre in Glasgow lebten.

Saturday 11 April, 2020

Nuria Melek and Mario (English version)

This is a parallel story to “Eli Celli and Mario” which also exists on this website.

Both stories are available in English and Germnan.

Below is a copy of the introduction for “Eli Celli and Mario” which I hope will explain the background.


“Eli Celli and Mario” was first written a few years ago when Eli Celli was about 4 years old. Eli Celli is now 7 years old and the story has been updated accordingly.

It is set in Switzerland where he lives with his parents Fiona and Haki and his little sister Nuria Melek who is 4 years old. They live near their grandparents Stef and Pia whose home is in the next village (Meierskappel in Canton Luzern). Fiona’s brother is Uncle Simon and he has a dog called Gwin.

Fiona provided the illustrations in outline and Stef added colour. I hope you will agree they are wonderfully quirky and ‘Swiss Perfect’!

There is also a German version of this story on this website. The translation and adaptation of this version was led by Renanta Bachmann, assisted by Stef and Pia.

When Nuria heard the story of “Eli Celli and Mario”, she wanted a story of her own.

This story is called “Nuria Melek and Mario”. It also exists in English and German on this website. I should add that the English and German tales are not identical.

The Hagmann and Bonthron families have been close friends since 1978 when Stef and Pia lived in Glasgow for a few years.

Saturday 11 April, 2020

Eli Celli und Mario (German version)

This German version of the introduction has been translated by Google. The English text can be read at the English version on this website. My apologies for any errors.

“Eli Celli and Mario” wurde vor einigen Jahren zum ersten Mal geschrieben, als Eli Celli ungefähr 4 Jahre alt war. Eli Celli ist jetzt 7 Jahre alt und die Geschichte wurde entsprechend aktualisiert.

Es spielt in der Schweiz, wo er mit seinen Eltern Fiona und Haki und seiner kleinen Schwester Nuria Melek, die 4 Jahre alt ist, lebt. Sie wohnen in der Nähe ihrer Großeltern Stef und Pia, deren Heimat das nächste Dorf ist (Meierskappel im Kanton Luzern). Fionas Bruder ist Onkel Simon und er hat einen Hund namens Gwin.

Fiona lieferte die Illustrationen in Umrissen und Stef fügte Farbe hinzu. Ich hoffe, Sie werden mir zustimmen, dass sie wunderbar schrullig und “Swiss Perfect” sind!

Es gibt auch eine deutsche Version dieser Geschichte auf dieser Website. Die Übersetzung und Adaption dieser Version wurde von Renanta Bachmann geleitet, unterstützt von Stef und Pia.

Als Nuria die Geschichte von „Eli Celli und Mario” hörte, wollte sie eine eigene Geschichte.

Diese Geschichte heißt “Nuria Melek und Mario”. Es gibt es auch in Englisch und Deutsch auf dieser Website. Ich sollte hinzufügen, dass die englischen und deutschen Geschichten nicht identisch sind.

Die Familien Hagmann und Bonthron sind seit 1978 enge Freunde, als Stef und Pia einige Jahre in Glasgow lebten.

Saturday 11 April, 2020

Eli Celli and Mario (English version)

“Eli Celli and Mario” was first written a few years ago when Eli Celli was about 4 years old. Eli Celli is now 7 years old and the story has been updated accordingly.

It is set in Switzerland where he lives with his parents Fiona and Haki and his little sister Nuria Melek who is 4 years old. They live near their grandparents Stef and Pia whose home is in the next village (Meierskappel in Canton Luzern). Fiona’s brother is Uncle Simon and he has a dog called Gwin.

Fiona provided the illustrations in outline and Stef added colour. I hope you will agree they are wonderfully quirky and ‘Swiss Perfect’!

There is also a German version of this story on this website. The translation and adaptation of this version was led by Renanta Bachmann, assisted by Stef and Pia.

When Nuria heard the story of “Eli Celli and Mario”, she wanted a story of her own.

This story is called “Nuria Melek and Mario”. It also exists in English and German on this website. I should add that the English and German tales are not identical.

The Hagmann and Bonthron families have been close friends since 1978 when Stef and Pia lived in Glasgow for a few years.

Thursday 9 April, 2020

Aunt Myrtle’s Diaries

This is a gentle, old-fashioned love story told in a rather gushing style.

It should take about 30 minutes to read.

Go on, dive in!

Thursday 9 April, 2020

Archie’s Breakout Adventure

In April 2020, during the third week of THE LOCKDOWN in Scotland, we were spending time on Zoom and WhatsApp keeping in touch with our grandsons Ethan (6) and Drew (4). At the time they were homing two borrowed tortoises from Auntie Sharon who keeps a small home zoo of waifs and strays.

Archie and Trixie were used to being handled and enjoyed ranging around the garden, digging into the flower beds and burying themselves, hiding. Archie was especially active and adventurous; Trixie more timid.

After a parallel reading session on Zoom with Grandma, Ethan and I engaged in a bit of fantasy time about the sort of thing Archie might get up to.

Read on, dear readers.

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