
195 entries in this archive

Tuesday 3 January, 2017

Flash Flood (about an hour)

Some time ago I wrote a story called “Driven”, which involved a lady police officer called Gemma Brownlee.

In Driven Gemma was a secondary character.

In Flash Flood she takes centre stage.

Beware, this contains some bad language and references to sex and drugs.

Tuesday 3 January, 2017

Running With Wolves (about 30 minutes)

This is a story which came from a challenge I set for the Writers’ Circus.

I started out on a quite a different story and then, because I could not get it finished on time, I turned to this.

Where did it come from? No idea.

Let me know what you think?

Tuesday 3 January, 2017

Early One Morning (about 10 minutes)

This is a tale based on my father who was variously known as John, Jack and Jock.

The essence of this tale is true. My father was a joker who enjoyed winding people up.

Friday 11 November, 2016


This is a wee tale based on truth. It has haunted me for almost two decades.

It recounts a long-ago train journey.

It contains a particular swear word which is included because it was used and is necessary to convey what happened.

Some of the dialogue is in a Glasgow dialect, which may make it unintelligible to some readers. Sorry.

The story was written to meet a Writers’ Circus challenge - “The Train”.

Some of you who know me will have heard an oral version.

Tuesday 25 October, 2016

Jacko’s Hut 1,300 words (about 5 minutes)

This is a wee story about three retired men who meet every week in Jacko’s Hut to do and say what they like, free of comments or interruptions from their wives.

One day they look out of the picture window.

Each sees the same object, but they do not agree what it is.

This version thanks to my son Stuart, who made several helpful suggestions.

Tuesday 27 September, 2016

Parliamo Italiano?

This is a trilogy of small tales based on a few of my forays into Italy, and the resulting confusion that resulted when I tried to communicate in pidgen Italian.

Thanks again to Kareth Paterson for her editorial improvements.

At least I know one person has read these tales!

Saturday 2 July, 2016

Korban the Krokka

This is a story for children aged around six to eight years old or as a read to for younger children.

It is about a group of special Frogs who lived a log time ago, long before Dinosaurs.

The Frogs had many fearsome enemies who wished to eat them.

The Leader of the Frogs was called Korban the Krokka, (Krokka means Leader).

Because of the Artwork, the file size is large (nearly 14 MB) and may take a little while to download.

This story also exists in booklet format. Let me know if you wish a copy.

Saturday 2 July, 2016

Follow the Swallow

This is a story about the swallows that visit Craigallian Loch each year. I am a member of the Craigallian Angling Club and regularly fish the Loch from early March to the end of October. This tale was penned in original form over the winter of 2015.

Craigallian Loch is part of the Craigallian Estate then owned by Duncan and Jean MacFarlane, kind and generous people who love nature and wild creatures. This story is dedicated to them.

The Loch is a great place to observe wildlife and, being on the West Highland Way which is busy year round with walkers heading to Fort William, I regularly meet and chat with people from around the world and share some of the secrets of ‘my’ loch and its wildlife.

Readers may recall the precursor version of this story first published in July 2016, a tale called “Follow that Swallow”. This has been replaced by this new version, co-written with my Editor. My multi-talented friend Kareth Paterson is a passionate lover of nature who has researched Scottish swallows in considerable depth to discover their migrations routes, nest building techniques and brood rearing habits.

This new version much more accurately depicts the story I should have written!

Sunday 29 May, 2016

Two stories for boys and girls

Today I have added two stories which have been available in A5 printed format for several years.

The Terror of Braemar” is a tale about a stag who is angry and a wise and clever boy who helps it.

The Fox of Bannockburn” is about a brave boy who helps King Robert the Bruce to defeat the English Army at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314.

At the site of the battle there is now an excellent visitor centre where you can join an “army” and engage in a re-enactment of this historical battle. Sometimes the English Army even wins!

Both are still available in A5 booklet hardcopy. Let me know if you wish copies.

Tuesday 24 May, 2016

Two stories for grown ups

I have recently added two new stories.

Out of Range” is another Maisie Kaywood romp.

Come to Me” arose from a dream which would not leave me when I wakened.

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