
195 entries in this archive

Friday 21 June, 2024

Twingling, (20 minute read time)

This story began about six years ago when ‘a certain person’ mentioned the word Twingling as we headed back to our hotel room after breakfast.

It is another Maisie Kaywood story involving her XCD team as they strive to right wrongs and dispose of the baddies.

To learn more about Maisie her XCD team (and her mother Myra), try at this website under ‘Maisie Kaywood Stories’.

Essentially this is a romance involving two clever people trapped in a dilemma involving viscious industrial espionage.

Make a coffee and delve in!

My thanks once again to Kareth Paterson who edited the original, pre-Covid version.

This version was finalise using Read Aloud. If you spot an error, please make your best judgement and read on. Thanks.

Monday 17 June, 2024

Living with Myra - a novel, a long read.

At this website under “Writing”, there is a section called “Maisie Kaywood Stories”. These are about a Robin Hood type character who rights wrong by taking direct action against bad people, sometimes very bad people.

“Living with Myra” is part of Maisie Kaywood’s history, chronicaling the life of her mother, Myra Kaywood (nee Gallagher), a very clever girl from Yoker, one of the poorst areas of Glasgow at that time.

The major part of the action takes place during the WW2 era (1939 to 1945).

The story begins when Myra is approaching her tenth birthday and continues until her death when Maise is eighteen, ready to take on her mother’s role in the modern era.

I hope you will find it readable and interesting. I ask that you give it say, three chapters and see if it grips you. I hope it will.

My thanks must go to Kareth Paterson from our Writers’ Circus group who kindly edited this 162,000 word ‘monster’ in its original very raw form.

This story has been evolving for around eight years and over the last month I have revisited it using “Read Aloud” in Word to complete a Final Edit which you can read here.

Over these many years I have enjoyed being in Myra’s company, learning about her complex character and ‘living’ with her during her exploits.

Throughout I have tried to avoid anachroisms and keep the text faithful to my idea of what it would be like to live in those far off early days.

Dear Reader, if you find errors, and there simply must be some, please make your best judgement as to what I intended and continue to read.

Thank you.

Monday 10 June, 2024

Night Flight ( a ten-minute read)

In early June 2024, we spent a very windy week with our ancient little caravan at the Camping and Caravan Site at Dunbar.

This was our first proper visit to East Lothian. It is a very attractive part of Scotland and I am sure we will be back to explore further, and soon.

On this trip we visited the National Museum of Flight at East Fortune Airfield, a visit I strongly recommend.

There is a Concorde which you can board to inspect up close plus two other huge hangers with dozens of vintage military and commercial aircraft which depict the hisory of flight.

Please do not miss the Vulcan V2 bomber. If you can find Duncan, he tells this aircraft’s amazing story quite brilliantly. Thank you Duncan!

One of the other aircraft on dispplay is a Bristol Beaufighter, a truly amazing WW2 workhorse - fast, flexible and very tough.

Night Flight tells the tale of two ‘transfer pilots’ assigned to deliver a refurbished Beaufighter to RAF East Fortune in September 1942.

It is entirely fictional.

Monday 20 May, 2024

Wendy (five minute read.)

This piece came from a Writer’s Circus topic:


Mercifully, this is a shot story!

make yourself a coffe and give it a go.

Saturday 11 May, 2024

Hand of God (A novella, a long read)

This is a story I have been writing on and off for several years.

It is an adult story, unsuitable for under eighteens.

Most of the action takes place in Glasgow, centred on on Govanhill, Shawlands, Pollokshaws and Auldhouse with passing mentions of more upmarket locations such as Newlands and Pollokshields.

Towards its end, the story moves briefly to New York City and to Saratoga Springs in upstate New York County.

It begins in the mid-nineteenth century and moves steadily to its climax in 1925.

May I suggest you try a few chapters and hopefully by then you will be keen to keep reading.

It is entirely a work of fiction.

As with most of my recent pieces this story has been self-edited using “Read Aloud” in Word.

If you spot errors, please use your best judgement as to meaning and read on.

Thank you.

I keep a record of each version as I save it after a writing session. From this information, I estimate this story took around 500 hours of writing effort.

Sunday 21 April, 2024

Legacy ( novella, a long read)

This is a story which has been writing itself for a very long time.

Started in 2016, sadly the origin of the initial ‘prompt’ which got me going has long gone!

It begins in Ireland with Charles Horspool, the third son of a large landed family.

Born in 1796 when he becomes of age (21) in 1817, Charles inherits his alloted share of the family fortune.

A wayward child and youth, his family were pleased to be rid of him and Charles was glad to be free of living under the thumb.

The story moves to London, briefly, then Yorkshire and then to Glasgow: first to Garnet Hill, then Pollokshields, Newlands and Pollokshaws.

Other threads of the web of intrique emerge.

Annette Birkley appears and the story centres on her as it reaches its conclusion in 1946.


Again I offer my apoligies for any errors. One aspect which gave me the greatest difficulty was keeping track of dates and ages of the characters. Hopefully I have lined all my ducks in order but if there are errors, let me know and I will try to correct them.

Ditto for spelling errors and typos. As in recent pieces, I used ‘Read Aloud’ in Word to guide me i my self-editing endeavours.

If you find an anomaly, please use your best judgement as to meaning and do, please, forgive and read on.

Thank you.

Monday 15 April, 2024

Deadly Secret (ten-minute read)

This tale has been knocking around in my head for years.

It is based on a real occurrence.

It is set in Glasgow, just off Byres Road in a posh red sandstone tenement close.

Names have been changed to protect the guilty.

It is the very long hot summer of 1976.

Suitable for older children and adults.

Sunday 14 April, 2024

Spring Again ( a seven-minute read)

This tale came to me as I sat in our hotel room in Melrose (the gem of Scottish Borders towns) on Monday 1st April, 2024.

In my normal routine I was up, toileted, showered and shaved, sitting in near darkness with a mug of coffee to hand, tapping on my iPad.

Nearby, my princess was still fast asleep.

The delight of a Full Scottish breakfast would follow, available from 8:00 am.

Outside, I could hear the dawn chorus in full voice.

As explained in the tag, this piece wrote itself, a story for adults and older children.

Hopefully you will give it a go and find something of interest in it.

Sunday 14 April, 2024

Pastures New ( a five-minute read)

This story crept into my mind while I was thinking about two friends who have had recent spells in hospital.

Apart from a two day spell in the Victoria Infirmary as a three-year-old to have my tonsils removed, I have been fortunate never to need hospitalisation. Long may this situation continue!

This short piece is purely from imagination.

Make a coffee and have a delve.

Sunday 14 April, 2024

Fragments (February 1964) ( a ten-minute read)

This is a tale tapped out on my iPad while I was visiting my son and his family in Abingdon (April 2024).

It recalls a nexus in my life, aged 16. As background, here is snapshot of my life to that juncture.

The story touches on my father’s mental health after his six years in the submarine service during which he spent many years based in Malta and around the Mediterranean, in the thick of it. The truth is, he never fully recovered from those traumatic experiences.

In later years he told us of several occasions when their sub was hunted down and trapped by German M-Class Minesweepers and depth charged. On one such occasion they were trapped lying silently on the seabed for over 48 hours while the enemy waited on the surface, equally silently and hoping to hear them trying to escape. In those days the subs dived with just the air they had, with no auxiliary oxygen and CO2 filtration as in modern submarines. Gradually the air pressure in the sub dropped and noses and ears began to bleed with everyone wheezing and gasping for breath.

My mother was a complex personality. This is an understatement. Even now I’m not sure I understand her behaviour.

Primarily she was a kind-hearted person who wanted everyone to love her. This comes across the story. She was clever, with a lot of unrealised potential. She left school at 14 and worked in the local Co-Op in Govanhill. later she was a cleaner and became quasi-manager of the local synagogue when the original manager died and the congregation was dwindling. She had a good vocabulary and enjoyed crosswords. She loved ballroom dancing and was was good at it. Victor Silvester on TV was a favourite.

Her father died when she was seven years old and she was always ‘the baby of the family’ with three older brothers and three older sisters. She was better spoken than my father and rigorously pulled us up on grammar and the sounding of words. She never swore, not once. She taught us to be polite and to ‘do the right thing’ always and wherever possible, to be kind to people less fortunate than ourselves. She sent us to church and Life Boys and Boys Brigade but did not attend.

And Mum loved to read, curling up in a chair before a blazing fire and reading late into the night, consuming a stack of books from the local lending library, smoking, drinking tea. She loved to meet and greet and could blether to friends and neighbours for hours. She opened her purse to anyone in need and because of this and her excessive smoking, she was completely unable to ‘get by’ on what my father earned.

Like her mother (Granny Bremner), and two of her sisters, Mum did not drink alcohol, ever. Tea and cigarettes were her addictions. American Cream Soda and Ginger Wine at Christmas and New Year.

But she had a flaw. She was secretive and hid things from my father, from others who might have helped and from me. She did not tell outright lies, as such, but much of what she did was at best ‘clandestine’. The issue was always her poor management of money.

In Pollokshaws we had lived in a ‘single end’ with an outdoor WC shared with others. Presumably the rent was low and there were shops of every kind nearby. At Greenview Street, we lived near a tram terminus with a frequent service of other passing trams which meant Granny Bremner and Mum’s sisters were only about half an hour by tram away. Generally however, to save money, we usually walked.

When we were rehoused to Arden, as explained in the story, she was floundering with the extra cost of higher rents and more expensive foods bought from travelling van shops: baker, butcher, fishmonger, vegetables, groceries (cigarettes), coal deliveries. During the early years in Arden there were no shops, schools or churches. No libraries, no amenities. There was a tram service and later a terminus was created for the No 57. There was also the No 25 and No 25A trams from nearby Carnwadric all involving a trek and a wait to catch a tram. No hopping on after a minute or two wait like in Pollokshaws.

Later, I would learn that these SSHA houses in Arden had been built on the cheap with ‘no fines concrete’ a slurry poured into metal shutters, affording a quick method of construction. The insulation value of these external walls was very poor and heating a much larger house was a huge extra cost burden.

To be fair, many of the families near us were equally poor, struggling. Being a softy, my mother was always an easy source of ‘borrowed’ cigarettes and cups of tea, milk and sugar, seldom repaid.

My father did his best by working overtime, handing his weekly pay packet to my mother and ‘letting her get on with it’, receiving ‘pocket money’ for his pipe tobacco and the occasional beer or a night at ‘the dogs’ (Shawfield Greyhound track).

The key failure, I realise now, is that my parents did not work together as a team. Dad left matters fiscal to Mum and she pretended she was coping.

To make ends meet, my mother borrowed (always in secret from Dad and often from me too), usually from her sisters and from Aunt Margaret, matriarch of the Bonthron family, my father’s oldest sister. Or she ran up debts on ‘tick’. Over a period of weeks into months, Mum lost the plot, robbing Peter to pay Paul until the muddle was revealed. Usually this became obvious as Christmas approached or the Glasgow Fair holiday loomed when another bust up happened and my father would lose it, explode and ‘lift his hands’ in frustration.

When they made up, her debts had been cleared. Looking back, I suspect this emergency money must have come from my mother’s sisters. Then, after a few weeks, when my mother’s face had healed, Mum and Dad patched things up and we would go back to live with Dad.

However, as I got older, I became more aware that there was always an undercurrent of tension, especially for me, the eldest child by five years and my mother’s (only?) confidante, party to most of her devious maneuverings.

Right, enough of this sad reminiscence.

This story is, I hope, amusing and informative of my life at that time.

There, you have it.

Read on.

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