
195 entries in this archive

Tuesday 10 May, 2016

The Buzzin’ Bee gets a makeover

You may have noticed that The Buzzin’ Bee has undergone a visual transformation. Do not be alarmed, and do not attempt to adjust your screen!

The new version of the site contains all the same content as its previous incarnation, but features a new, mobile-friendly design, allowing it to look just as good on your phone or iPad as on your computer. Take a look around and familiarise yourself with the new layout, and be sure to check out The Hive for information and some links to other websites that are important to me and may be of interest to you.

The About section has also been updated with a host of new information, including detailed instructions on commenting with the DISQUS system and downloading stories to your iPad or other tablet device.

Happy browsing!

Friday 1 April, 2016

Three new stories for younger children added.

I have recently added the following three stories.

“Matthew and the Cake Pirates”

“Harry meets Jonny Spider”

“Topolina and Nerone”

These are available in hard copy, normally free, just email me through the website. 

Tuesday 29 March, 2016

A future to die for!

“Destiny’s Child” has been writing itself in my head for several years.

What the Muse provided is not what I had first dreamed.

Extracts were submitted in March 2016 for peer group review to friends in the Creative Writing class at the Centre for Lifelong Learning at Strathclyde University.

Arising from this process I re-structured the opening chapter to make it more accessible, I hope.

Thank you, each and all.

Thanks also to our tutor David Pettigrew for his excellent suggestions.

And yet again, a million thanks to my friend Kareth Paterson for her edits.


Tuesday 8 March, 2016

A jolly little tale of two dogs and their owners.

This story is called “A Well Concealed Lie”.

It is a confection, like candy floss.

Saturday 27 February, 2016

Can you keep a secret?

I have added a piece called “Garden Secrets”.

This recounts my version of three stories linked to the garden in our previous house.

Saturday 27 February, 2016

A wee fishy tale.

Today I have added a story about fishing called “Double Spey Cast”.

But is it about fishing, or is it about something else?

Thursday 18 February, 2016

An old tale revised. . .

If you previously read “Car Share Club” you will know it contains DARK MATERIAL.

I was browsing through The Buzzin’ Bee files, chanced upon the old version and spotted some anomalies.

This new version corrects these, I hope, and I think that this new layout with chapters may prove more readable.

Sorry, but the DARK MATERIAL is still there. It was what my Muse provided.

Wednesday 17 February, 2016

Have you ever felt you wanted to die?

Crescendo” is a wee tale about a man suffering from a bad cold.

Monday 15 February, 2016

A Child’s First Winter

Snow Ghosts” is a little poem which I hope captures some of the wonder of a child’s first winter.

Sunday 14 February, 2016

On a serious note.

Ah, well, at last, something completely different.

Over the past few months I have been snagged again by BBC Scotland’s “Scotland 2016” each evening, Mondays to Thursdays. This current affairs show is followed immediately by BBC UK’s “Newsnight” programme.

This viewing has been running in its groove, on and off, or a few years and has become a habit, if not yet another addiction.

Generally the reports do not make for happy viewing.

As has been said, what goes in, must. . .regurgitate?

Maybe I will revert to my old ways and drift back to La La Land there to watch old films, that comfy place where I already know the Happy Ending.

In the meantime.... Try “Then and Now

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