Adult Stories

154 entries in this archive

Still the Night - around 5 mins to read.

In our Mackintosh Choir Zoom meetings we are asked to nominate a particular song or piece of music which we like and choose a YouTube version to share with those attending.

We are also required to explain our choices.

On 16 December 2020 I chose Still the Night.

This rather prosaic tale recounts my words of introduction.

Click to download PDF Click here to download the PDF.

Cherish the lassies

This piece is a record of the “Toast to the Lassies” address I gave to the Mackintosh Choir Zoom Burns Supper on Wednesday 3 February 2021.

It is offered as a ‘written’ version in a PDF which is a slightly expanded version of the ‘spoken’ version included as an MP3 file.

This address was confected from a variety of Wikipedia entries and yes, I am able to say I am regular supporter of Wikipedia which, with all its many faults, is a wonderful resource.

Click to download PDF Click here to download the PDF.

Click to download MP3 Click here to download the MP3.

Wilson and Sandy (2,000 words, 15 minutes to read)

This was written for a Writers’ Circus challenge in October 2020.

The topic was “a tenth birthday story”.

It is a bit odd but I hope gives a reasonably accurate insight into the lives of those who are born to a live of ease and those who serve them.

Is there such a thing as a life of ease? Perhaps a story for another day.

Click to download PDF Click here to download the PDF.

Paw Patrol (5,000 words about 20 minutes to read)

This tale arose from an Writers’ Circus challenge to write about “her heart leapt into her throat/mouth”.

A work of fiction, the main character is loosely based on our local lollipop lady, a true stalwart in our community.

Those of you who live near me will quickly identify characteristics of the main FICTIONAL character and

FICTIONAL location of the main action.

I particularly wanted to be sure this wonderful lady got her place in my archive as she is one of my most

loyal readers.

Click to download PDF Click here to download the PDF.

Birthday Boy Bonanza (1,000 words,five minute to read)

This little confection is based on a series of events which happened to friends shortly after they

moved to live in a luxury flat.

Yes, I confess: as written it is an exaggeration of the original but I hope it might make you smile

over morning coffee.

Click to download PDF Click here to download the PDF.

Brechstein and Son (around 11,000 words about 30 mins read time)

This is a Christmas story of a kind, an off-beat take on the Twelve Days of Christmas, the challenge
set for our December meeting of Writers’ Circus.

It recounts the lives of two odd, lonely people.

For Glasgow readers, there are many familiar references.

Give it a go, you never know, you might get into it!

Click to download PDF Click here to download the PDF.

Mario Lanza

I have fond memories of living in Pollokshaws, in our single-end.

Here is a tale which conflates a few different memories all true.

Click to download PDF Click here to download the PDF.

Twist and Shout

Our newset grandson, Isaac Rory Bonthron, is to be known to be know as Zac.

In October we visited Abingdon (near Oxford) to enjoy his company.

Here is an account, and a first glimpse at Zac’s personality.

Click to download PDF Click here to download the PDF.

End Game (a Covid-19 lockdown story) (modified)

During twelve weeks to early June 2020, I penned this story, tapping away about four hours per session, most days, a lockdown hobby, if you like.

It starts in May 2021 and follows a particular day in the life of Malcolm Fraser-Scott.

The story then carries forward to reveal the consequences of his life and those around him as lockdown continues.

I have experimented with a first person style of writing and ask you to persist until it becomes familiar.

The story is offered UNEDITED and thus the errors of grammar, spelling and logic leaps are entirely down to me. I have left line numbers visible, should you wish to offer corrections or comments.

This decision to publish unedited was taken for two reasons.

Firstly, this particular lockdown story with it forward looking time frames will have a limited shelf life, I hope!

Secondly, I am certain sure my Editor, my dear friend Kareth, would reject outright some of the darker sexual encounters described. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Skip past them if they offend.

So, with these caveats, I offer you this novella. At around 44,000 words, it is a longer read.

Click to download PDF Click here to download the PDF.

The Great Duvet Mystery (a 5 minute read)

This little tale arose from a Writers’ Circus challenge.

The opening section is from newspaper cutting and sets sets the scene.

The story is off-beat but it is mercifully short!

Suitable for all ages.

Click to download PDF Click here to download the PDF.

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