Adult Stories

154 entries in this archive

Life After Death

We sat round the table at the second session of our Creative Writing 2 class.

Some of us had come flown up from CW 1 but other were new.

David Pettigrew our Tutor set the challenge of setting down a few points about ourselves which we would be asked to read aloud to the class.

We were allowed five minutes.

A shorter version of this story appeared on the page in front of me, as if by magic.

It still makes me smile, because it 99% true.

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Johnny and Rusty

When we lived in Pollokshaws I was befriended by an older crafter boy from a large family. They had a small mongrel dog, which I have dubbed Rusty.

The story of six-year old Johnny tells itself and happened almost as set down.

Sadly, re-telling it has not expunged my feeling of guilt.

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Hook, Line and Sinker!

During stage two of the Creative Writing course at Strathclyde University, I noticed that one lady in our class nearly always wrote of people being ‘done in’. Until then I had never dared to kill anyone in my stories. I decided to try and this story is the result.

It was written against a target of 4,000 words forcing me to turf on words to get down to this limit.

In the opening scene Maisie appears as her deceased mother, (whom I subsequently discovered was Myra).

This image of Myra haunted me.

After many years of visiting and revisiting this story, you can read “Living with Myra” published here in June 2024.

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Riding on Wooden Wheels

In September 2014 we were on holiday in Milano, Italy. We took a day trip by train to Lake Como, crossed on a small ferry to Bellagio. Later after a wander, we caught another ferry to the bottom of the lake and then a different train home.

On the smaller ferry I snapped a warning sign, which appears in the story.
In Bellagio I spotted a poster, advertising a visit to a workshop which made wooden wheels for bicycles.

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