
34 entries in this archive


This novella is rooted in the experience of someone who lives nearby.

It is a tale of an ‘ordinary’ woman who inherits great wealth under tragic circumstances, which did happen. (Is there such a thing as an ‘ordinary’ person?)

What I have written is an invention, a fictionalised version of events as they might have unfolded.

Once started, this story took hold of me for a few months.

Margaret got fed up with reading and re-reading it and it and eventually refused to continue.

Fortunately my friend Kareth from the Writers’ Circus, who is a brilliant published Editor, came to my rescue.

Kareth wanted me to ‘neutralise’ the story by removing the names of local businesses, but me, being the usual stubborn me, refused so to do.

Give it a couple of pages, it might grow on you.

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The Parish Assistant

This tiny tale resulted from a challenge for the Writers’ Circus.

“Your Story should include the words “Merlin Brand Thoroughgood”.

The story wrote itself.

I have classified it as a Romance.

I hope that the protagonists live happily ever after.

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Sweet Sultan

This story arose from a challenge at the Writers’ Circus - we should choose a Proverb, and write a story about it.

The next weekend we went off to Edinburgh to stay with our friends Alan and Jean, in their brand new town house in Morningside. Part of the same impressive development, was a new block of luxury flats, the locus in my mind for this story.

I dug out a Bible that had belonged to my mother-in-law, Georgie. From it fell a greetings card sent to her from one of her Women’s Guild friends. The image on the front of the card was of a Sweet Sultan.

The story wrote itself.

You may note the input form the ubiquitous Maisie Kaywood, she of “Hook, Line and Sinker”.

(Please, do not use Sweet Sultans to make an infusion, unless you know that it is safe so to do! This is fiction, folks!)

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Riding on Wooden Wheels

In September 2014 we were on holiday in Milano, Italy. We took a day trip by train to Lake Como, crossed on a small ferry to Bellagio. Later after a wander, we caught another ferry to the bottom of the lake and then a different train home.

On the smaller ferry I snapped a warning sign, which appears in the story.
In Bellagio I spotted a poster, advertising a visit to a workshop which made wooden wheels for bicycles.

Read on...

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