Twingling, (20 minute read time)

This story began about six years ago when ‘a certain person’ mentioned the word Twingling as we headed back to our hotel room after breakfast.

It is another Maisie Kaywood story involving her XCD team as they strive to right wrongs and dispose of the baddies.

To learn more about Maisie her XCD team (and her mother Myra), try at this website under ‘Maisie Kaywood Stories’.

Essentially this is a romance involving two clever people trapped in a dilemma involving viscious industrial espionage.

Make a coffee and delve in!

My thanks once again to Kareth Paterson who edited the original, pre-Covid version.

This version was finalise using Read Aloud. If you spot an error, please make your best judgement and read on. Thanks.

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